Sunday, December 30, 2007

Layout Share

Well, thought I should actually post some here are a couple. This one is about the special little things my girls love about their Nan & Grumpy. I interviewed them to get some honest results. If your reading this Nan.....take note of "Nan's banana cake with lemon icing"..hint...hint!
This one tells the story of a very funny conversation I had with Tyne not so long ago about boys. In a nut shell, she explained to me that she loved me, and Daddy, but not boys.....just "Farder Boys"! Translation......Farder Boys = Father Boys= Boys who are Fathers.

Funny....Funny Girl! Full of quirky comments!

Just the other day, she told me to move my big boofa (head) off her pillow,(we were snuggling in bed), cause my breath smelled like chicken nuggets! Charming! I was crushed!
Anyhoo.....hope you all have a fab New Year...what ever you have planned. I think we will hit the beach considering the weather forecast tomorrow. Uroo!
Oh and Happy New Year to Ang and co who are holidaying atm......

1 comment:

becspicer said...

Wicked awsome photo of Tyne, Tarsh. A great story to remember too! Are you glad Xmas is over for another year? I am. I like it and all, but by the time it's over you need a year to get ready for the next one!