Thought I'd post this layout of Am. It centres around the story of the hair cutting (famous in our house). This darling child has a bad habit of giving herself a trim, and hiding the evidence. Something funny that we can now look back and have a hearty giggle about...complete with picture to prove it. That's what I love about this craft......a picture and a story!
In other not very exciting news:
- Paul and I had a movie marathon that lasted over 2 days where by as soon as we had kiddies asleep, we were glued to the four disk uncut series of UNDERBELLY! Wow!! I did not get to sleep before 1am for about 3-4 nights and I'm now like a zombie...suffering from the self induced lack of sleep. No sympathy...I know!
- Tyne has her second loose tooth!
- Ammy is due to start pre entry for kindy next term, so we are spending some time at kindy each week to get familiarised with the the way...she loves it....and I don't so much!
- The count down is on .....only a few more games of footy till the end of Paul's season. While I love that he loves it, and it's social and all that.....I am looking forward to having him home on Saturdays....and perhaps doing some handyman stuff around here...(just in case you ever visit my blog Paul...hint...hint)
- Oh...this is Mummy and her partner of 14 years are finally getting lots to help out with.....can't wait...I have 3 very excited flower gals!!!
- And lastly...don't you love it when you help your kids out with homework and you find that you...yourself...actually learn something? That was me tonight....and I'm feeling smarter ask me anything about The Great Wall of China...REALLY....anything. Somehow all the info has attached itself to some grey matter!
Well...that's me on a Thursday night. Over and Out!