Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Week That Was...........

.....Well.....Where do I start?

.......I guess with sick kids...ear infections......coughing..... snotty noses.....and not a lot of sleep.

The juggling of full-time work with a family to manage, rendered me lifeless on Friday night- (could not move off the lounge!)

But thanks goes out to my super hubby for managing domestic duties superbly!

Now-speaking of husbands? Mine caught fire on Wednesday night cooking our BBQ tea. CRAZY.....I know...but it's all true!

Our BBQ is almost past it's use by date and it's burners are ...well...a little out of control.

This is where we must all make a mental note:

Do not cook a BBQ while wearing a 16 year old Terry Towelling Dressing Gown-As Sexy as it may's darn dangerous!

Anyway......I will relay only the important details (as told by P)

  1. "One minute I was cooking the BBQ Steaks"

  2. "And the next, I looked at my sleeve and it was on fire!"

  3. "I rolled on the grass to put it out (lucky it had been raining)"

  4. "And Tarsha, I can't believe that my dressing gown is still OK! It's a little singed but it just needs a wash!" (Darn...I'm looking for any excuse to replace that thing right now!) a nut shell-he was right. I washed it....and it's as good as new! Beware when buying Terry Towelling.........cause you can't kill it!

Also this week..our credit card was sabotaged by a fraudulent company who tried to buy themselves thousands of dollars of .....something?.........On us!

Lucky our bank was onto it...and all is well...but does happen....SCARY!

I have managed to scrap a page somewhere in this here it is...another one of Lily. I've done a few of her lately.......

I have a Fathers Day project on the I hope I can come through with the goods on that one. The girls all have a little project to create for I'll post it when it's complete.

So. That was my week...and the next one is about to sneak up on me.

Time to check out Australian Idol!



Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wacky Weekend!

Well......thought I'd make the most of blogger today-while it is working in my favour.
Sometimes I have real trouble uploading images.....but not sorry.....but it's upload overload!!!
Nana and Gramps returned from a week away on holidays today. The girls were super excited to have them back...can you tell?
I swear that my kids turn wacky when I get the camera out....Tyne in particular. The faces they pull are of an outstanding quality....don't ya think!
While Mum and I were chatting away, the Olympics came up......and I had a revelation-a bit scary...but here it goes..........
It dawned on me that, when the next Olympics come around in another four years time- Lily will be 12, Tyne will be 10, Ammy will be gets worse........and I (along with dh), will be 37 years of age.....OMG!!!!!.....I'm not sure how I feel about that?
What I do know is that I'm going to make the most of my time...cause it sure does fly!
Anyway......that's it for me tonight........I'm off to have some caffeine.......
Here's to some sunshine tomorrow-
Have a Happy Sunday All

A Mirror Image

Look at my budding 3.5 year old photographer! Bless Her!!
I found her in her bedroom last week, taking photo's of all her teddies and dolls. She was also directing example was "Now mooooove your head back Annabelle......That Good! Good Girl Annie!"
It's funny how our kids can be a mini mirror image of us...and I found myself thinking.......Gee....Do I really sound like that? And .......Do I really take that many photos??
I also had to laugh and reminisce because that camera she is holding was my very first. It's a Nikon film- point and shoot with a flash that slides up. It was given to me by my Auntie Bev when I was about 13 years old. It is a special gift that is all the more precious to me as she passed away after loosing her battle with breast cancer. A very sad story as her youngest child was only a baby at the time.
Do you know that the camera still this day.....amazing!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Very Proud Biker

.........Gosh! Sorry People. Just read my previous post and blah...blah...blah...who cares that I was freaked out by a spider? Not You Guys I'm Guessing!........Note To Self=Only Tell Exciting Stuff!

In an effort to redeem myself.....I'm moving right a layout! Finished this one last week. I laugh every time I read it. The picture is pure Lily from start to finish. A morning talk that she printed up. Wrote on. Gotta love that handwriting-complete with the misspelling. She will love this in years to come.

Journaling Reads:

I found a little piece of paper scrunched up in the bottom of your school bag. It was a worn and tatty morning talk that had survived an entire term there! A striking picture-with your darling hand written caption about you and your bike that you have lovingly named "Shimmer".
It brings a smile to my face because even though the BMX track makes you really cautious-the combination of you and your bike called "Shimmer" is always enough to get you round at least one lap! xx
Photo taken Feb 08 at BMX Track.

I have another one nearly done too....I must be the coffee or maybe it's the vodka. Yeah...I think it must be the vodka. Have you tried scrapping with's working for me. None of that procrastinating-I'm on a roll just stickin stuff where ever I like!!! Good Times!!!

Before I go ......a special Birthday congrats goes out to my life long pal-you know who you are!!! The Laurel to my Hardy!! Thanks for a great day today and welcome to the FLIRTY THIRTIES!!!

Nite Nite xx

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A No Picture Post

Well, BLOGGER has won!
I have been trying now for some time to upload some pics.....but good old blogger is playing games with me!!! FRUSTRATING!
Anyway, moving on.........I have had a great day today. We had a home day. Day's like today are so relaxing and re-fuelling!

Most of all, I have loved watching and listening to the girls play.

Love the fact that they play dress ups and make believe games. I hope that I can help them to keep their childhood innocence for as long as possible....after all...we are young for such a short time....and old for way too long....don't you think?

In other shocking news......I stumbled upon a HHUUGGEE White-Tailed Spider, sneaking into our laundry. It made me shudder...YUK! Needless to say it met it's end....FAST! But not before showing the kids a close up view along with a serious explanation of why we don't touch them......I mean......I doubt that they would but one never quite knows with kiddies.
Well.......sorry I haven't any photo's for you......I have a layout too....but I'll just have to keep you in suspenders..........maybe I'll have more luck tomorrow.

Till then.........chow!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Total Togetherness

After a long break from scrapping...this layout is celebration to the fact that I have found my MOJO again! Yippee!
One of my favourite spontaneous snaps of the girls-simply just doing their thing...after a long day.
The journaling reads:
"Yet another family adventure-climbing Mount Schank. The view was awesome......Do you remember collecting a bag full of pine cones for the fire, playing on the old wooden wagon, and that big HORSE DOG that chased Tyne back up the hill?" Feb 08

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Chit Chat and a Layout

Well..the layout first...then the chit chat.

Thought I'd post this layout of Am. It centres around the story of the hair cutting (famous in our house). This darling child has a bad habit of giving herself a trim, and hiding the evidence. Something funny that we can now look back and have a hearty giggle about...complete with picture to prove it. That's what I love about this craft......a picture and a story!

In other not very exciting news:

  • Paul and I had a movie marathon that lasted over 2 days where by as soon as we had kiddies asleep, we were glued to the four disk uncut series of UNDERBELLY! Wow!! I did not get to sleep before 1am for about 3-4 nights and I'm now like a zombie...suffering from the self induced lack of sleep. No sympathy...I know!
  • Tyne has her second loose tooth!
  • Ammy is due to start pre entry for kindy next term, so we are spending some time at kindy each week to get familiarised with the the way...she loves it....and I don't so much!
  • The count down is on .....only a few more games of footy till the end of Paul's season. While I love that he loves it, and it's social and all that.....I am looking forward to having him home on Saturdays....and perhaps doing some handyman stuff around here...(just in case you ever visit my blog Paul...hint...hint)
  • Oh...this is Mummy and her partner of 14 years are finally getting lots to help out with.....can't wait...I have 3 very excited flower gals!!!
  • And lastly...don't you love it when you help your kids out with homework and you find that you...yourself...actually learn something? That was me tonight....and I'm feeling smarter ask me anything about The Great Wall of China...REALLY....anything. Somehow all the info has attached itself to some grey matter!

Well...that's me on a Thursday night. Over and Out!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Lily's 8th Birthday

Lily decided this year that she wanted her party at home and that it should have a spooky theme, hence all the scary faces and costumes. Paul finished the cubby house just in time...complete with a fire pole and flying fox. The flying fox is now in lock up due to a little accident (not at the party). It may soon be seen on the funny home vidoe show....look out for that!!
So in a nutshell....I became the mother of a six and eight year old during May.......and I'm still wondering when my girls got so grown up?
But ....that's life isin't it...we all get older! What I'd give to be eight again!

Birthday Installment 2 I say-often...better late than never ! Thought I'd share the girls birthday's from May this year.
Tyne had a pool party with all her school friends. Paul was acting life guard and had his work cut out ....keeping all the kiddies safe and with their heads above water.
Tyne had an absolutely fantastic day and is now a big 6 year old!
Where does the time go?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Its Been A While

Yep! It sure has been a while since I have blogged, so not too certain if I have posted this one. It was in the previous edition of SBM - and it is a page with me and my family...including the pets! A rare pic of us all together enjoying our new deck. Too often I'm behind the camera snapping away at them!

Oh ...guess what? I am actually scrapping at the moment and have nearly finished a lo...yippee!!!!

Will share it soon


Monday, June 9, 2008

Layout Share

Hi Out there......just a real quick post.....hope your all having a relaxing long weekend! This layout of Tyne skipping is featured in this months Scrapbooking Memories Vol 10 No 2. The colours in the mag are way off.....this is actually what it looks'll agree...a huge difference!
Anyway...moving on.......had a Birthday Party yesterday. Lily had some school friends around for a "Scary 8th Birthday Party". We were lucky enough to have a special visit from Nana Chook and as always...time goes too quickly. We will hopefully see her again at Christmas time.
I will post some photo's as soon as my lap top is working again.
Uroo Txx

Friday, May 23, 2008

Look Who I Met

On my recent trip to Melbourne, after seeing the musical "Guys and Dolls", JJ and I had the pleasure of meeting the gorgeous LISA MC CUNE and the extra gorgeous IAN STENLAKE. I have to say they are two of the nicest people I have met. I was really impressed that after 2.5 hours of performing, that they still found the time to speak to some fans!
And how good does she look......two young kids...not much sleep....and an un made face...just beautiful!

In other the weekend that's about to the hot wood cappuccino...and a stack of dvd,s....including the extremely funny "The Worst Week Of My Life". Now....seriously....this is the funniest show I have ever seen.....head into Angus and Robertson book store and buy a copy. I won't regret it. It is HILARIOUS!
Have a fab weekend you'all.

Saturday, May 10, 2008 is me!

Hi there all. Is life busy for everyone? I'm just putting that out there, cause my life is constantly humming along........I'm hoping that you all agree too....and I'm not the odd one out!
And to all you Mum's out there.....HAPPY MOTHERS DAY FOR TOMORROW!
We are a super breed of multi tasking, women....some may go as far to say that we have super powers......and I'll take that. What ever angle you look at it from, we are the gum that holds it all together! get the's hoping for breaky in bed...AMEN!!!
And lookee what I have here...a LO....yes ladies....a me, it's about 3.5 months old and its in the latest Scrapbooking Memories mag.
Whats been happening in my life to keep me so absent from my puter.....well here goes:
  • Tyne turned 6! (pics to come)
  • Still studying for work
  • Social lives of the children and keeping up
  • Trying to get fit (it's not working real well)
  • Football
  • Selling girl guide biscuits
  • cleaning
  • washing
  • cooking
  • gardening
  • kids homework
  • packing lunches

I guess you get the's just life in general.

Oh..btw....mb20 was awesome....I'll post some pics of Rob Thomas courtesy of a lovely lady at phone pics didn't turn out, and I had the pleasure of watching Guys and Dolls in the Princess Theatre.....front row! It was awesome. I met Lisa Mc Cune and Ian Stenlake and had photos taken with was hilarious...will post them too at some stage!

Talk soon


Monday, April 14, 2008

Leave Of Absence's been a little bit since my last post. Life has been full to the brim....more so than usual...and it's all good!!

Where to start??? about the above the latest SBM mag.......and a confession......My name is Tarsh Bosko and I have not scrapped a thing for whole months!!!'s the honest truth! But I'm day real soon.

Guess what? I also have a casual job of about 15 hours a week.....actually perfect hours for me and the family in a local office...and it's fun!!

And the big news.....I'm 33 today!! I've been spoilt to no end, and one of my super dooper all time fab presents is........wait for to see Matchbox 20 next weekend in Melbourne. My very first mini holiday of 2 whole nights without my girls. It's been nearly eight years since I was last away without them.......cause...they weren't BORN YET!!!! I'm almost losing my head in anticipation for the concert and admit that I have been daydreaming about it frequently.....oh...and the shopping....bring on the shopping!

And I guess this is important too....Paul and I celebrated his Birthday last week and our 10th Wedding anniversary....pretty cool hey!

Well as you can tell from the time of my's late......and I really should head off to bed some time soon. Hope your all well......and uroo


Monday, March 24, 2008

News Flash Water Bomb Posse Strike

As promised.....some tips on how to beat the heat and crucial tactics for water bombing your very own Mum! Above is the posse....the gang with the plan.......NOTE the one in the middle as the lead culprit!
And of course, every great plan needs a pilot run, and what better subject to test it on than a 3 year old who is totally unsuspecting.....

It's a success, so bring on the main target......ME.....! They lured me in and then unleashed their fury of water over me. NOTE: the ring leader is out of the picture-snickering on the side lines. There was no escape for me...ALSO NOTE: the little pack member who had a desperate grip on me to ensure I could not make an escape...and nearly took my clothes as a souvenir.

When operation "Get Mum" was completed....members then open fired on other fellow members of the above posse with water pistols. Some took a casual approach to the task........and preferred to pose for a photo..........

Like this gang member..aka..."Larry The Lunatic", who took time out from her mission to coax me, equipped with camera to take a shot of her....only to have her open fire at me. Her laughter was evil!

Tempers between gang members started to flare as unfair shots were fired.......and this particular participant was not a happy camper....hence the "Don't Mess With Me Glare"

And the grand finale.....the final scene...."Bucket Head". When all posse members had thrown in the towel, leaving no moving targets left ...........this crazed gang member threw the final bucket over herself-just for laughs!
PLEASE NOTE: During this soggy attack, One Nana and a Dog were also targeted, resulting in serious wetting.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sports Day

Today our school held....or should I say attempted to hold it's annual sports day. And in typical Mount Gambier style, it rained all morning! But the competitive and very pumped up kidlets did not let the weather get the better of them, and so- soldiered on........and off between the showers....including their loyal and devoted........(and maybe crazy included). Above is Lil.......cleared the jump with her first try...little champ! little Tyne.....who I might add.....can run like the wind blows....( Port Mac Gale Style)! Most of these pics were taken in the rain. I was dripping...not really a good look for my short hair me!

By mid morning...this precisely placed and articulately applied GREEN hairspray was streaked over the kids faces....along with my face painting.....which ultimately ended up, smeared all over my clothes from huddling to keep warm. It was all worth it ....just for this...........

Tyne and her first place ribbon for her sprints (taken with a standard 300 mm zoom, no the rain), so, not a bad photo considering!

And Lily...who also won a first place ribbon for her dash. I will admit...I was a bit proud...and found myself cheering and screaming at the side lines for my little Banksia gals......their war cry went like this...just in case you need a visual of me chanting it...(or a nightmare?):
2, 4, 6, 8
Banksia can not wait
We are green
And mighty keen
2, 4, 6, 8
So...due to the wet weather, we will be completing the other half of the sports day schedule on Tuesday when school resumes. Fingers crossed for the weather!
Well...that's about my life at the minute.....hope you all have a fab Easter Long Weekend. Back soon with some more interesting installments for how to water bomb your Mum on a 40 degree that intriguing?

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

This Kitty.......

This scrumptious little puss is "Chicken Nuggets". And sometimes........I'll be honest.......I feel for the guy. Why? Well, he is loved.......and when I say loved.....I am referring to the three doting little ladies who constantly try to dress him in doll's clothes, push him around in a pram, squeeze the life out of him whilst he is sound asleep, insist that he CAN jump on the tramp......and then this.......I think his face tells us exactly what he is feeling....don't you?
But isn't he just the sweetest boy? His favourite time of the day is.......yep...when the kidlets are in bed and he can come out of hiding.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

This little girl......

Is constantly trying to mimic her big sisters. Her latest trick is telling us knock knock jokes-cause Lily is hooked on them......and it goes like this:

Am: Knock! Knock!
Me: Who's There?
Am: Binoc-li-tox!
Me: Binoc-li-tox Who?
Am: Binoc-li-tox...pause......lox.......d'ya get it.......?
And it's right about here that she then cracks herself up....literally.....and then I start with her, cause I am totally lost! Her humour is.....what can I say.....unique! What a little groover!

Monday, March 10, 2008

A Layout

This is a lo I finished about a month ago called "Childhood Gift". This is my big girl Lily at the railway station at age 2 1/2 and carefree....a reminder to me of how important it is to make sure our precious kids have the best childhood my husband and I can give them.
One that is happy, safe and free from the heavy troubles of the world-that we as adults can know so well.
I think we are doing a great job at far.
I love the is one of my favourites...... and the interesting factor is......I took this with my Nikon digi back then in 2002, so it is absolutely untouched apart from the fact that I had it processed in Black and White. How times have changed for me!!!
Now I rarely own an un edited pic...there's always something to tweak!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Saturday Night Fever (as in Cleaning)

Well.....hi all! Hope your Saturday night is as rocking as mine?? My husband has fallen asleep......the kids are all tucked in....and well.....I'm just not tired. With no dvd's to watch, I have just finished the dishes, scrubbing the bathroom....and wait for it.....I have baked a cake!
I's just sick! Who does these ludicrous acts on a weekend night?? This is a stark contrast to last Saturday night...let me say. Right about now Hubby and I were at a lovely wedding... on the dance floor busting out some moves....(I think we thought we were looking cool....but I have a feeling in my waters that we may have resembled Kath and Kel!)...But it was a lot of fun!
Oh speaking of fun-right before hubby fell asleep.....I decided we should worm our kitten "Chicken Nuggets"...and gee...did that go well....almost the most fun I've had since the wedding! He was repulsed at the taste of the paste.....Paul thought this to be hilarious....stood back laughing, and just let go of the cat...mouth full and pewking paste in a trail all the way to our back door! AWESOME......something else for me to clean-since I'm in the mood!! HA HA!
Anyhoo.......enough of my ramblings....I Have 500 wedding photos to edit....and a whole cake to eat. I will post some of my favs real soon!

Too Da Loo!!

Oh btw...welcome to blog land Angie...check out the link to the right!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Still Alive

Yep....hanging in there. Life has been too busy. I have had a flu thing and just got my voice back in time to give a presentation at our local Breast Cancer Support Group about scrapping. I met some inspirational ladies. And the statistics are my advice to all the gals out there ......check...check...check......whatever your age as early detection is the best prevention!
We have a wedding in the family on the weekend.....I'm taking the please Mt kind and don't rain...spare me the heartache!!!
Also busy finishing our's great to see the outside of our 107 year old girl come together.

Have a good Friday

Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Beach....and the End! last pic.....the girls on their "stage". They braved the water.......the seaweed and the stepping stones to get to this lonely ...slimey bit of reef.....and lovingly named it theirs...where they performed a few numbers......then the tide started to come in and the show was over.
A fab day at the beach had by all.
Well....that's my weekend...only took 4 posts...thanks blogger! Hope your week is great and enjoy our heatwave......cause it will probably be raining by Wednesday...ha know...that's just how Mount Gambier works.

Beach Fun ....

Here is the "Ammy Bomb", making a mess.......nothing new at all. She had such a good time playing in the rock pools and making sand pies. We saw so many starfish we lost count.....but no penguins today!

Mt. Schank cont......

As I explained earlier....blogger is being here are a couple more snaps from Mt. Schank. Tyne got a little confused with her "Pone Cone", which set us off into more laughter!!! And Lily was feeling more than a little worn out after the big climb!
Where's Amryn? Well...she got the easy ride...on Dad's shoulders! was all I could do to drag myself up the hill.....let alone a 3 year old! He is certainly a LOT fitter than moi!

Mt. Schank!

Here is a sweet pic of the girls on an ancient wooden wagon at Mt Schank. We climbed the mountain yesterday morn on our way to the beach.........and now I can't walk!
Kids say the darndest of honest and candid.....and as I was puffing and panting, trying to get to the top, Tyne, my all of 5 year old gave me some words of wisdom....."Don't give up Mummy-keep perststing"!
Where did that come from? She was funny and gorgeous all at the same time....that's my Tyne!
Perhaps she will be a personal trainer one day?
I have some photos to post, but blogger is not playing the game stay tuned!
Oh...hope everyone had a lovely Valentines Day!


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Layout Share.......Pinky Swear!!!

See......I told you I would! Here are a couple of recent layouts. This one is little Am playing dress ups. (Forgive me for crying and sobbing uncontrolably while typing......the above darling child has just broken my MM Precision Trimmer......can you believe that??).....Sob.....Sob....anyhoo...Journaling reads
"Your such a rowdy little tomboy Amryn....but your sweet and femine side really shines when you play dress ups! Your trend at the moment are beads and anything made of tulle!"
And this one here is one of my favourites......Ammy doing her dance thing!
Journaling Reads
"Dance Baby Dance....cause you do it so shake that tail thing...and you do the Mash Potato....Boy, Oh Boy-Have you got your very own thing going on! Your way too groovy Ammy Jam!"

And lastly...this is "A Year Of You" Lily. I wanted to use a few pics from throughout last year....and this is the result. Journaling Reads:
"Hey Gorgeous....I hope you always remember 2007 as a huge triumph! You have achieved so much Lily Mae! Hold on to your memories, and your childhood with two hands, for it will be something you will treasure.xx Mum"

Working on some others at the moment know the story...full of ideas...not enough time.

Oh and btw......have you all heard my good old scrapbook store has been sold, and will be open real soon...can't wait! I guess I will need to order another paper trimmer...sob...sob.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Cake Making

I had to share this gorgeous, sweet moment regarding Ammy and cake baking......Her two big sisters were fast asleep and I asked Am if she would like to help me make a cake...(she's a night owl at times). She answered, "Yes, I lick bowl". So that was that. Licking the bowl was her idea of helping me. She was a huge help....cause not only did she lick the bowl, but she also cleaned up the pan with the left over icing.
At the end of our cake baking....I had dishes to clean, pj's to wash, chocolate to wipe off of every surface Ammy touched....and a 3 year old on a sugar 9pm ...I fault...only got myself to blame......but ......Do you think she enjoyed herself?
See above photo for conclusion.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Crazy Carrots.....Ice Creams and More Photos!

Check out this somewhat.....odd looking carrot that the girls picked from our veg patch on the weekend! Lily was very you can tell!
A quick snap of the crazy three enjoying some frozen sugar!

And a few more pics from our previous weekend! Which......was sunny and warm and glorious. What has happened to our climate? It's freezing.....and I'm so stubborn....I'm not lighting my fire in February....that's just unheard of! Or is it? Will I give in.......time will tell......the one thing in my life that I really can't handle is being'll continue to be brave!!
I will however, have some layouts to share soon......pinky swear...actually working on a couple atm. camera.....I'm difinitely a Cannon girl. I have a 400D and lens kit.....but my favourite lens is my little's fab for portraits and the like. Hope that helps!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Few Snaps

Hope your Saturday was fun...beautiful weather here. So, I made the most of the day with the girls. We played outside, and I managed to snap some pics. I have been experimenting with my camera and these are my favourites from the day.
Not much else happening in other areas......getting back into the swing of the school routine, my kids are so tired and this is just week one! More early nights I think.....
My two big girls tend to be night owls...a little like me. On a week night bedtime is usually between 7 and 8pm......but on the weekends Paul and I let them have a little more freedom. Tonight we had a movie marathon..........we all watched "Finding Nemo" for the 100th time. I never tire of that flick....I love Dory!
Oh ...By the way...I do plan to post some layouts........soon.
Thanks for all your comments's lovely to hear from you.
Have an easy Sunday.
Ps...for those that don't know....check out 2 peas and their 12 week photography's gold!